Another ridiculous developer “sweetheart” deal. Crony politics at it’s worst.

The Cthulu of Ramsey, Jim Deal, has his council and HRA puppets dancing just like he wants them to. With the original purchase agreement, he got a hugely discounted price for land in the COR. With this pending revision to the purchase agreement, he now wants changed zoning so he can build stick framed garages (at about 1/10th the cost) instead of a parking ramp. He also wants city subsidies at a future date. He wants these changes, which guarantee more profit and lower development costs with no increase in the purchase price for now much higher value land. After my comments, which also pointed out that the council and HRA are creating the perception that no other developer should try in Ramsey, because Deal has the city in his pocket, PSD’s assistant manager took his time making his way to the podium, because I knew he was trying to come up with some rebuttal. The first words out of his mouth were about how PSD wasn’t trying to stuff bad people into Ramsey and then he continued, claiming the opposition to the project was purely political. Pure emotion and ad hominem. I wasn’t surprised, but I should’ve thought to preemptively counter it. He’s a veteran of many civic meetings demonizing opponents and pulled out the typical leftard arguments, along with the fear mongering that, “we might drop the project”. It’s obvious that Jim Deal doesn’t want a safety net under his trapeze, he wants it gold plated, with velcro and a safety belt, and the city to push him.

I have to point out that the resident marxist blogger in Ramsey, who claims developers are scum, refuses to say anything about the current council doing not only the same things he accused the last council of doing, but far worse.