Political Punishment from City Council HYPOCRITES.

Ramsey City Councilman Jeff Wise owns a liquor store in Ramsey and due to Armstrong road expansion, sold his current property to the city and planned to move into the COR, paying market value for the land. Unfortunately, Strommen, Elvig and  Backous, finally saw their opportunity to punish Jeff Wise for not voting with them when these whiners wanted to thwart responsible development and cost-cutting waste in city government. While Jeff Wise abstained, these 3 voted not to allow Jeff Wise to buy property in the COR, citing “public perception”.

Now, to anyone who knows any background on these 3 individuals, “public perception” is truly something they should avoid bringing up.

Councilman David Elvig: Ramsey council member charged with 24 felonies

Councilperson Sarah Strommen: It was Ms. Strommen that spent
$700,000 on Sunwood planters and bike racks, prior to development….to
make it “look like something was happening” in town center.  She was obviously concerned about creating the appearance of growth when there was none, now only to vote against the actual sale of real property and torpedo “something actually happening”.  Unfortunately, those planters are now being torn out when actual development comes, adding an additional cost to prospective developers. Strommen’s stance on restricting the rights of property owners also deserves much scrutiny from prospective voters so they acquire the correct “perception” of her agenda.

Council member Backous: only the advice of fellow council members on the majority he claims to be so superior to, kept this angry whiner from being a prime example of taking favors. Backous was offered and wanted to take below-market rent in a Jim Deal building for his business office, but wiser heads on the council advised against it. Backous later complained that having to deal with “public perception” was unfair and was keeping a property in the COR from having another tenant. Such a HYPOCRITE you are, Backous.

UPDATE on Jeff UN-Wise.

He got his money (overpaid) and moved. Little Jeffie is an outspoken supporter of the MN ban on Sunday sales of alcohol. Why? I mean, wouldn’t you think Mr. “the government should be fair” Wise would support a free market with less government interference? NO WAY. That hypocrite demands government interference, as long as it’s what he wants. He doesn’t want to be open on Sunday, so instead of just keeping his business closed, like an ethical person would, he demands government block any other off-sale business from being open, so no one else can make any money on Sunday.

Good riddance to Jeffie Wise.